Empowering Leaders​ To End Poverty Now​

People in Poverty
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Nonprofits working on Poverty
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leaders exhausted
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We Help Leaders Thrive
By Connecting Them With:

Coaching and seminars

The best space and ideas to develop their strengths


So they can acquire resources, including tech, personal assistants and new programming abilities.

Partnerships and Incubators

Connections to thought-leaders and organizations to maximize impact



Building The Builders

At home and Abroad

Success stories

Empowering Poverty Fighters

Immigrant Caring for 60 Orphans

In Nairobi, Kenya, Clara was virtually alone in caring for 60 orphans, doing odd jobs for wealthier families

Leadership Development

In the U.S., we worked with the CEO of a $22M+ international nonprofit with nearly 600 staff…

Leadership Multiplied

In Nigeria, a country with 195 million people and expected to be the second most populous country in 2100, 40% of the population lives in poverty…